- Sales office opens in Seoul
- WACKER Korea 10th Anniversary
- WACKER acquires Air Products Polymers and its production site in Ulsan
- WACKER acquires Lucky-silicone business and its production site in Jincheon from Henkel Technologies
- WACKER Korea was awarded Minister Award from the Ministry of Environment in the category of Healthy Housing for its eco-friendly products to improve indoor air quality and maintain pollutant-free indoor environment
- Citizen’s Coalition for Economic Justice honored it with Excellence Award for manufacturing industry in the 10th Best Foreign Corporation Award in recognition of WACKER Korea’s core values in transparency in management: legal compliance and financial performance.
- Inauguration of VAE dispersion expansion in Ulsan production site
- Han-Hyung (Matt) Cho, president of Wacker Chemicals Korea, won the presidential commendation award at the 2013 Foreign Company Day. Wacker Chemicals Korea was recognized for its flourishing business operations in the category FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and outstanding contribution to local economic development.
- TH Sung, Ulsan’s EHS Manager received the recognition award for his contribution toward developing the safety culture of the community and local companies on the fifth anniversary of the Chemical Industry Day in Korea
- Wacker Chemie AG is expanding its existing production plants for dispersions and dispersible polymer powders in South Korea

WACKER opened new production site for silicones elastomers in Jincheon, South Korea

WACKER opened the new premises of its technical center for polymers in Anyang, South Korea

President of WACKER Korea honored by South Korean Government on behalf of president Moon Jae-in