These questions must be answered locally, because what works in Dubai or Dublin will not necessarily work in Johannesburg, due to differences in architectural traditions, natural resources and climate. That is why, working with IMCD, our distribution partner, we have installed a mobile laboratory as a technical center right here in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Our experts at WACKER MYLAB help you find the best solution using local raw materials, by optimizing the formulation of construction materials and ensuring that they comply with the highest national and international standards. This helps to improve existing solutions and to develop novel ideas and applications.

As a supplier of raw materials, binders and additives for construction materials, WACKER has set up 18 technical centers worldwide to support customers with technical testing and training. Our closest technical center to Johannesburg is situated in Dubai and provides additional services such as climate chamber testing, which shows how your products age under specific climatic conditions.
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Inquiries & Contact
IMCD South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Randburg 2125, South Africa
275 Oak Avenue, PO Box 1378
Tel. +27 11 570 4260
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