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Reset perimeterTechnical Center Moscow Lab
WACKER’s new silicones lab in Moscow. It will test silicone elastomers and ready-to-use silicone compounds for key Russian industries, including the energy and automotive industry. WACKER also runs a technical center for polymeric binders in Moscow. It has been catering to the construction and dry-mix mortar industry for over a decade. (Photo: Wacker Chemie AG)
Download picture (JPG, 194 KB)Color space measurements
Color space measurements of proofs printed on coated paperboard: the newly developed VINNAPAS® EF 104 confers excellent print images on the end product and is thus an ideal binder for coatings used for offset, roto and flexo printing of coated paperboard packaging, for example for personal care and pharma products, or food and beverage packaging.
Download picture (JPG, 36 KB)WACKER’s Halle Site
Therapeutic protein production at WACKER’s Halle site. In 2013, Wacker Biotech GmbH, a wholly-owned Wacker Chemie AG subsidiary, acquired the production plants. The acquisition was an important step for WACKER, enabling it to support its customers in the pharmaceutical sector not only during clinical trials, but during the market supply phase, too
Download picture (JPG, 48 KB)WACKER’s production facility in Calvert City
WACKER’s production facility in Calvert City: The plant complex is the biggest of its kind outside of Europe. With the expansion, WACKER is meeting the globally rising demand for its dispersions and dispersible powders
Download picture (JPG, 26 KB)Plant for Specialty Monomers at WACKER’s Burghausen Site
New plant for specialty monomers at WACKER’s Burghausen site: Specialty monomers are key raw materials for the manufacture of specific dispersible polymer powders. With the construction of the new plant, WACKER is strengthening its position as a market and technology leader in this field.
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