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Reset perimeterAward - CHEM2DO experiment kit
The Munich-based WACKER Group received the award for its CHEM2DO experiment kit: Angela Papenburg from GP Günter Papenburg AG (left) and Iris Gleicke, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (right), presenting the award to the chemical company. Angelika Bader and Joachim Zdzieblo from Corporate Communications at Wacker Chemie AG accepting the award. (Photo: SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT/
Download picture (JPG, 48 KB)Donation Check - Honors Ceremony
The Burghausen choir “Die Konradis” is donating in excess of €5,000 in sales from its benefit concert in order to support the WACKER Relief Fund’s chosen project in Nepal. Mirko Kappelhoff, chairman of the fund’s board of directors (middle) accepted the donation check at this year’s traditional honors ceremony for long-serving employees at the staff building in Burghausen.
Download picture (JPG, 35 KB)VINNAPAS® dispersions
The new VAE-based dispersion VINNAPAS® EF8181 allows for the for-mulation of high-quality low-emission and low-odor interior paints.
Download picture (, 1 KB)Tiling Skill Training Center - Shanghai
Today, WACKER inaugurated a National Tiling Skill Training Center, at its Shanghai Technical Center. WACKER expects to leverage its strength on technology and brand influence to cultivate the market of thin-bed tiling technology together with its customer, and contribute to the standardization and upgrading of the industry. (photo: Wacker Chemicals (China) Co., Ltd.)
Download picture (JPG, 512 KB)Technical Center Mexico City
Scrub resistance test at the Technical Center in Mexico City: The new lab for polymer dispersions used in architectural coatings and adhesive applications serves to develop new and locally adapted formulations and promotes internationally recognized quality standards in Latin America.
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