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Learning from the World

Climate change is impacting people’s everyday lives around the world. And it’s also impacting the way we build. How do stucco finishes cope with hot, dry spells? And, as severe weather increasingly becomes the norm, what are the implications for road construction? These and similar questions are best answered from a global perspective. At WACKER, we approach this by sharing knowledge among the 23 technical competence centers that we operate around the world.

Every day in Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa and Australia, staff in WACKER technical competence centers are busy formulating, inspecting and testing. Not only do they develop and optimize customer formulations, but they also research current general trends in, for example, the construction sector.

Every technical center offers our local customers a one-stop shop for expertise, service and support.

Global Yet Local

This global network of expertise in all key markets benefits our customers in numerous ways. For one thing, it enables us to respond swiftly and unbureaucratically to local needs in our various regions. For another, it gives us access to regional formulation and application practices, local raw materials, and current specifications and standards. This makes us the ideal partner for globally active players seeking to expand into other countries.

16 of Our 23 Technical Competence Centers Provide Support for Construction Polymers

Learning from One Another

This regional knowledge is invaluable in times of climate change. What may be new climatic conditions for one region may long have been commonplace for other places. By reaching out and sharing, we can quickly find out what already works somewhere else – and what doesn’t. But we can also learn how other regions view challenges and develop solutions. The sheer diversity of experts, opinions and experience found in the regions represents enormous potential for innovation that we wish to tap into in partnership with our customers. Just get in touch with us!

Pushing the Envelope, Exploiting Synergies

Every technical center offers our local customers a one-stop shop for expertise, service and support. But even though each center is self-contained, we believe all sites to be an integral part of a global network: a network in which everyone knows and holds everyone else in high regard – to our mutual enrichment. To this end, we hold regular meetings and work closely with each other when the need arises. We do this by telephone and online, as well as physically by delegating employees to other sites. Each site therefore works for the benefit of our customers around the world by contributing its specific expertise and making its technical equipment and testing capacity available.

Take a Closer Look!

Our interactive PDF presents our equipment and labs and explains the tests and inspections performed at the Burghausen technical competence center.


VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications I

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Customers

In addition to providing an introduction to the chemical processes underlying our polymeric binders, this course will focus primarily on reviewing their most important applications.


SILRES® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

This seminar will teach participants what they need to know to make ideal use of potential opportunities for silicones in construction chemicals.


VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

In addition to providing an introduction to the chemical processes underlying our polymeric binders, this course will focus primarily on reviewing their most important applications.
