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The new VINNAPAS® EP 6420 offers best-in-class performance for nozzle applications, showing excellent running stability without skin formation. This makes the VAE binder ideal for formulating water-based adhesives in demanding paper and packaging applications.

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SILRES® BS 710 Sponge Removal

With WACKER’s new protective silicone coating a sponge and cold water are enough to remove graffiti.

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SILRES® BS 710 Pressure Washer

Surfaces treated with SILRES® BS 710 are extremely easy to clean with water. WACKER, the Munich-based chemical group, will be presenting its new, concentrated anti-graffiti agent for the first time at the European Coatings Show.

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SILRES® BS 710 Application

Compared to other anti-graffiti coatings, silicones have the great advantage of being breathable. Moisture and, consequently, mold won’t develop in the masonry.

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Silicone Multi purpose facility Jandira

WACKER’s new silicone production in Jandira, Brazil: The Group is currently building a multi-purpose facility to manufacture antifoam compounds and functional silicone fluids. The new production facility will help the company to solidify its position as one of the world’s leading suppliers of high-quality silicones.

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