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press pictures

WACKER Pilot Reactor Nanjing

New pilot reactor for VAE dispersions at WACKER’s fully integrated Nanjing site: the new facility will allow WACKER to expand its local research and development activities in China and grow its regional portfolio of product development, application technology and customer services.

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Production HDK®

WACKER produces HDK® pyrogenic silica at Burghausen and Nünchritz in Germany and Zhangjiagang in China. The Munich-based chemical company is the world’s third-largest manufacturer in this sector.

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TC Singapore Food Lab

Practical test at the new food lab: WACKER’s regional competence center in Singapore now has a laboratory dedicated to innovative food ingredients, dietary supplements and gumbase applications, e.g. for fat-free desserts, egg-free bakery goods, vegan meat flavors or highly bioavailable curcumin.

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Wacker Innovation Award 2016

WACKER Executive Board members Christian Hartel (left), Auguste Willems (2nd from right) and Rudolf Staudigl (right) with this year’s winners of the “Alexander Wacker Innovation Award” (from left to right): Dr. Ernst Selbertinger, Dr. Bernd Pachaly, Dr. Frank Achenbach and Dr. Maximilian Peter.

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SEMICOSIL® 811 silicone adhesive sealant

At the K 2016 International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber, WACKER will present the fast-curing SEMICOSIL® 811 silicone adhesive sealant. The product is designed for processing without using an oven and rapidly develops an adhesive bond to many substrates with only very low energy input. Electronics manufacturers can thereby flexibly adjust the processing of the new adhesive sealant to their manufacturing process, and so achieve short cycle times.

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