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Muffin egg-free

CAVAMAX® W6 alphadextrin is an ideal water-soluble dietary fiber for innovative baked goods – from cakes, muffins, waffles and pancakes through to gluten-free bread – that do not need any egg or egg powder.

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WACKER’s new POWERSIL® 403 silicone rubber dispersion helps make sleeves for transmission and distribution cables safe to operate for long periods of time. The dispersion, which contains no aromatics, forms a conductive film on the insulating silicone, protecting the material from electrostatic charging. POWERSIL® 403 is flexible and resists abrasion. Sleeves that have been coated in this way can be shipped in their extended state and installed on cable connectors on site using cold-shrink processes

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ELASTOSIL® Color Paste FL UV - Rubber

WACKER, the Munich-based chemical company, will showcase ELASTOSIL® Color Paste FL UV Fluorescent at the K 2016 International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber. The pigment paste is used to mark liquid silicone rubber. In daylight, the contained pigment is virtually colorless but shines a deep blue-violet color when irradiated with UV light.

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WACKER, the Munich-based chemical company, will showcase ELASTOSIL® Color Paste FL UV Fluorescent at the K 2016 International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber. The pigment paste is used to mark liquid silicone rubber. In daylight, the contained pigment is virtually colorless but shines a deep blue-violet color when irradiated with UV light.

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