Diversity Week: WACKER Embraces Variety

Munich, Jun 02, 2017

Many employees discovered rich variety at WACKER’s Diversity Week. From May 29 until today, events were held and information on the topic was provided at the Burghausen DiversityParcours®.

Experience the DiversityParcours® at WACKER in Burghausen.

During Diversity Week at the Burghausen site, visitors could experience diversity with all five senses aimed at shifting perspectives and breaking through conventional mindsets. “We wanted to raise awareness on the topic and promote an atmosphere of openness, appreciation and tolerance,” explained Julia Trotter, Group coordinator for Diversity and Inclusion.

The DiversityParcours® in the foyer of the staff building in Burghausen was developed by the Institute for Diversity Management as a five-station exhibition designed to spark curiosity, out-of-the-box thinking and the joy of experimenting. Interested employees could work through the exhibition at their own pace and in any order.

Staff at the headquarters in Munich were invited to four business lunches themed around different aspects of the topic “Generations.” The themes ranged from the care-support legislation, financial assistance for parents and financing care, to different generations working together at WACKER and “Unity 4.0 - There’s no such thing as can’t.”

WACKER is varied and diverse which boosts performance.
As a member of Germany’s nationwide Diversity Charter, WACKER is aiming to create a prejudice-free working environment. Every employee should be treated with respect – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion or worldview, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity.

In Germany, WACKER is focusing on age/experience, gender and cultural background to create equal opportunities and work options that are inclusive and leave no one at a disadvantage.

Diversity extends far beyond a person’s physical characteristics. Each employee is unique and every one contributes to the shared success of the company in their own individual way. “WACKER seeks to foster and make use of each employee’s individual capabilities,” notes Angela Wörl, head of Human Resources. “The company is convinced that diversity will boost WACKER’s performance and competitiveness.”


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Wacker Chemie AG
Public Affairs
Joachim Zdzieblo

Tel. +49 89 6279-1165
Email joachim.zdzieblo@wacker.com
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