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Simply VINNAPAS®: Protecting Structures With 1K Waterproofing Membranes

When structural damage occurs, moisture is almost always involved. Water barriers are therefore important in any construction. Our short video shows where and why one-component, polymer-modified waterproofing membranes with VINNAPAS® are a good choice.

One-component cementitious waterproofing membranes are an easy and efficient way to protect buildings from water and moisture. This is especially true for systems modified with VINNAPAS® polymer dispersions and dispersible polymer powders. Our video provides a 3-minute overview of the key benefits and fields of application.

Do You Want to Learn More About VINNAPAS® in Waterproofing Membranes?

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VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications I

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Customers

In addition to providing an introduction to the chemical processes underlying our polymeric binders, this course will focus primarily on reviewing their most important applications.


SILRES® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

This seminar will teach participants what they need to know to make ideal use of potential opportunities for silicones in construction chemicals.


VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

In addition to providing an introduction to the chemical processes underlying our polymeric binders, this course will focus primarily on reviewing their most important applications.
