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Reset perimeterWACKER_Avery_Award
Sjaak Elmendorp, Vice President Innovations at Avery Dennison (right), and Pascal Braker, Commodity Leader Chemicals Europe (second from left), presented this year’s supplier award for sustainability. WACKER Executive Board member Auguste Willems (second from right) and Daniele Borlatto, Executive Vice President and President Release Liners at Munksjö, accepted the awards. (Photo: Avery Dennison)
Download picture (JPG, 24 KB)Bavarian Energy Award
Bavaria’s state secretary for economic affairs, Franz Josef Pschierer (far right), presented the Bavarian Energy Award to Ewald Schindlbeck, president of WACKER POLYSILICON (far left), and to Werner Klenk (left) and Claus Burkhardt, both from the energy technology company Burkhardt. Munich-based WACKER received the award for its highly efficient polysilicon production (photo: Bayern Innovativ).
Download picture (JPG, 16 KB)Burghausen Site 1920
Aerial view of the WACKER site in Burghausen in 1920.
Download picture (JPG, 22 KB)In 1918 Burghausen - Visit King Ludwig III
In 1918, Bavaria’s King Ludwig III visited the new WACKER site. The king is at the picture’s center foreground at right, with Alexander Wacker at left.
Download picture (JPG, 36 KB)Bosch Supplier Award
Dr. Norbert Neumann (right), Senior Vice President of Purchasing and Logistics at Robert Bosch GmbH’s Automotive Business Subassemblies and Materials, and Simge Erkmen presented the Preferred Supplier Award to WACKER managers Peter Summo (Vice President of Engineering Silicones, left) and Dr. Peter Jerschow (Director of Industrial Solutions). (Photo: Robert Bosch GmbH)
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