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press pictures

VINNAPAS® 4800 G - Polymer Powder

Gypsum joint in drywall: VINNAPAS® 4800 G is a new dispersible polymer powder ideal for enhancing ecologically sound, gypsum-based joint fillers and jointing compounds for drywall applications. Gypsum mortars containing the powder yield smooth, crack-free surfaces, are easy to apply and offer excellent adhesion.

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Pad Printing

A silicone pad (shown here in blue) is used for printing on sensitive components. Room-temperature-vulcanizing silicone rubber grades are elastic and exhibit considerable rebound resilience, making them suitable for producing these kinds of transfer pads.

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Oven-door gasket

Oven-door gasket made of room-temperature-vulcanizing silicone rubber. Because they are elastic, resist heat and offer good adhesion, high-con-sistency silicone rubber compounds are frequently used in the domestic and kitchen appliances industries.

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GENIOSIL® XL 70 Water Scavenger

GENIOSIL® XL 70 is a new water scavenger developed by Munich-based WACKER for silane-curing adhesive and sealant formulations. It is particularly suitable for low-odor, liquid waterproofing systems.

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Practical training at the WACKER ACADEMY: seminar participants at the Tsukuba training center can put what they have just learned into practice.

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