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Reset perimeterBurghausen site today
The WACKER site in Burghausen
Download picture (JPG, 47 KB)Burghausen Site 1920
Aerial view of the WACKER site in Burghausen in 1920.
Download picture (JPG, 22 KB)In 1918 Burghausen - Visit King Ludwig III
In 1918, Bavaria’s King Ludwig III visited the new WACKER site. The king is at the picture’s center foreground at right, with Alexander Wacker at left.
Download picture (JPG, 36 KB)WACKER® HC 303 Silicone Emulsion
Water forms beads on impregnated materials – an effect that deteriorates with frequent washing. WACKER® HC 303 silicone emulsion makes it possible to impregnate fabrics and to restore the water repellency of already impregnated textiles while laundering.
Download picture (JPG, 25 KB)EOTA - climatic chamber
In the walk-in climatic chamber in Burghausen, experts test polymer-modified external insulation systems under extreme conditions – from -20 to +70 °C – to simulate differ-ent climate zones
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