A carload full of surprises and useful items
Munich , Oct 28, 2021
Finally the car was full! Some HQ staff had looked around their homes for useful and lovely items to add to the collection for the Munich-based children’s charity, The Ark. Manuela König had appealed for donations and drove the items to The Ark in October where they were received with much delight!

The Ark's support workers take care of young people, provide hot lunches, help with homework, and arrange leisure activities and school holiday programs in Munich-Moosach. Although coronavirus restrictions forced The Ark to close its otherwise always open doors, it adopted new ways of keeping in touch with the children. Families there have been especially hard hit by the pandemic. While observing social distancing protocols, the Ark team delivered school supplies and food donations right to the doorstep – and provided tips on how the children can structure their daily routine without school or The Ark to guide them.
The Ark has since reopened and welcomes children and youngsters – following strict pandemic-related hygiene rules. After the long lockdown phases, many children could hardly wait for the go ahead to finally visit The Ark again, a place of refuge, their second home.
One room in The Ark has been reserved for in-kind donations urgently needed by families. All Ark locations are always on the lookout for in-kind donations. A list of items required at Ark locations including Munich can be found here: https://www.kinderprojekt-arche.de/helfen-sie/sachspende.
Manuela König from HR at WACKER Headquarters knows exactly what The Ark families’ daily needs are. For many years she has been organizing the big cake buffet for the traditional Ark summer parties, which had to be canceled for the second year running due to the pandemic. This time, on behalf of the WACKER helpers, Manuela greets the children with a trunk-load of in-kind donations delivered to her office by colleagues over the past few weeks, instead of home-made cakes.
You didn’t know about the collection but have a number of items on The Ark’s list lying around at home unused? The next appeal for donations is sure to come around again. Urgently needed are clothing for babies, children and youngsters, toys, personal care items, school supplies and household goods, all as good as new. “Thanks to our colleagues who have donated many beautiful and useful items,” says Manuela König. “Everyone at the Ark was delighted!”

Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations
Petra Hettich
Tel. +49 89 6279-1303
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