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press pictures

Fig. 01: 3D_Silicones_Printing

Current 3D printing technologies use glass, metal, plastic, synthetic resin or ceramics as starting materials. What was missing was a process for silicone elastomers – that is, until now. WACKER has developed a 3D technology that makes it possible to build three-dimensional silicone objects for the first time.

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FOLDTEC® - Halle

Industrial-scale protein refolding: with the novel FOLDTEC® refolding technology, microbially produced pharmaceutical proteins can be manufactured cost-efficiently and reliably in high yields, without the need for antibiotics or phage components.

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Pilot Coater - DEHESIVE® SFX line

WACKER pilot coater in Burghausen. This is where the solvent-free silicone polymers of the new DEHESIVE® SFX line were developed. At its coating center, WACKER lends support to leading label and paper coating companies from all over the world.

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Release coatings - DEHESIVE® SFX

Release coatings with silicone polymers of the new DEHESIVE® SFX product family are ideal for high-speed labeling machines. The new silicone grades are very cost-efficient. With their help, the proportion of platinum catalyst in the coating system can be lowered by up to 60 percent compared to conventional silicone systems.

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