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Simply VINNAPAS®: Benefits of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS)

Making buildings more energy efficient is a milestone in combating climate change. How can VINNAPAS® dispersible polymer powders contribute toward this goal? Take a look!

All around the world, governments are implementing programs to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) can offer a solution as they slash energy consumption in cold and hot climates alike. VINNAPAS® dispersible polymer powders ensure the performance of the adhesive mortar, base coat, render and top coat in these systems. Take a look!

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VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications I

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Customers

In addition to providing an introduction to the chemical processes underlying our polymeric binders, this course will focus primarily on reviewing their most important applications.


SILRES® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

This seminar will teach participants what they need to know to make ideal use of potential opportunities for silicones in construction chemicals.


VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

In addition to providing an introduction to the chemical processes underlying our polymeric binders, this course will focus primarily on reviewing their most important applications.
