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Architectural Paints and Coatings – WACKER ACADEMY Seminars
What advantages and opportunities do WACKER silicones and polymeric binders offer for architectural paints and coatings? In WACKER ACADEMY seminars, we dive deep into that central question and show you how to use our products to their fullest potential.

Architectural Paints and Coatings in Theory and Practice
The paints and coatings industry is subject to tough demands: products have to meet high expectations for quality and performance, while, at the same time, meeting environmental and safety standards. WACKER has developed many innovative solutions in this area that not only meet the toughest demands – they also set new benchmarks.
WACKER ACADEMY offers you a one-of-a-kind range of seminars. We put our diverse portfolio at your disposal, offering you the knowledge we have collected over decades of experience. In addition to general introductions to silicone and polymer chemistry, our courses also shed light on the many opportunities that silicones and polymeric binders provide – all with an eye to your products and projects. More information on training content is available in the individual seminar descriptions.
Course Offerings for Architectural Paints and Coatings

Architectural Coatings WACKER Dispersions as Ideal Binders for State-of-the-Art Architectural Paints
Europe (Burghausen) Webinar Distributors, Customers
This webinar offers an initial overview of the uses and advantages of dispersions for decorative interior and exterior paints.

Industrial Coatings | Nonwovens & Fibers | Architectural Coatings VINNAPAS® and VINNOL® Binders for Building Paints, Adhesives, Coatings and Nonwovens
Europe (Burghausen) Instructor-led training Distributors
This seminar provides an overview of the possibilities of polymeric binders for building paints, adhesives, nonwovens and coatings.

Architectural Coatings Transformation in Decorative Coating with VAE Technology - Advantages and Benefits
Middle East and Africa (Dubai) Instructor-led training Customers, Distributors
We have been using traditional technology with some limitations. In this course you will learn how to overcome those limitations and be shown how VAE technology can help you to design modern formulations.

Architectural Coatings Trends and Developments in Decorative Coating
Middle East and Africa (Dubai) Instructor-led training Customers
It’s always good to know what is happening in the decorative industry and know the way forward. This course will give you an idea about new trends that are shaping the future.

Architectural Coatings Exterior Plaster with VINNAPAS® - Formulation Development Do’s and Don’ts
Middle East and Africa (Dubai) Instructor-led training Customers, Distributors
This course will give technical know-how about the different requirements and how to achieve these with our product line.

Architectural Coatings Silicones for Interior & Exterior Deco Coatings
Middle East and Africa (Dubai) Instructor-led training Customers, Distributors
In this course, you will learn about the composition of paints and coatings and how SILRES® silicone additives improve their properties.

Architectural Coatings Trends in Paints and Coatings
Middle East and Africa (Dubai) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers
In this course, you will learn about the composition of paints and coatings and how VINNAPAS® polymer binders and silicone additives improve their properties.

Architectural Coatings Silicone Coatings for Flooring Applications
Middle East and Africa (Dubai) Instructor-led training Customers
This one-day seminar offers a mix of theory and practice surrounding key aspects of innovative silane-terminated binders used for the impregnation of cementitious floorings.

Architectural Coatings Silicones for Decorative Coatings
South America (São Paulo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers
This seminar focuses on the basics of silicone chemistry for paints and coatings, and describes the role of silicone resins and additives in exterior and interior coatings.

Architectural Coatings SILRES® Silicone Products for Protection of Wood and Masonry Substrates
USA (Ann Arbor, Allentown, Dalton) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers
This seminar will show you how to use SILRES® silicone to protect your wood and masonry substrates against water damage.

Architectural Coatings VINNAPAS® Powders and Dispersions for waterproofing membranes
India (Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru) Instructor-led training Customers, Distributors
Seminar offers overview of VINNAPAS® Powders and Dispersions in waterproofing application