How To Behave On Site
Safety information for visitors, partner companies and employees
Site training for employees and partner companies before entering the Burghausen site

Information leaflet containing safety instructions for visitors and employees of partner companies
(PDF 1.2 MB) - German & English
What To Do If An Incident Occurs
We are highly trained to respond quickly and professionally to any incidents. Our emergency response experts and crisis communications staff will intervene immediately and will inform people in the plant and in the neighborhood.
Important Phone Numbers:

The neighbourhood hotline
Staffed around the clock in the event of an incident
+49 8677 83-6111

Firefighting – rescue – recovery – protection: Our Plant Fire Department is always there for you
For more than 100 years, our Plant Fire Department has been on duty around the clock working directly with emergency response authorities and neighboring public fire departments. Regular training and drills and the latest technical equipment ensure that our highly specialized fire department professionals can be relied on to deal with safety issues on site. They can be ready to go into operation at any location on site in just a few minutes – this is a key requirement of crisis management.
TUIS – Assistance beyond site boundaries
Good to know: Our Burghausen Plant Fire Department is a member of the German chemical industry's Transport, Accident and Information System (TUIS). The comprehensive, voluntary emergency response system for chemical accidents offers swift, professional and unbureaucratic assistance both in Germany and across Europe. Our WACKER Plant Fire Department’s team of experts is always in demand and was involved in just over 400 callouts in the past 10 years. For us, this commitment is a vital contribution to the Responsible Care initiative adopted by the entire German chemicals industry.
TUIS emergency number:
+49 8677 83-2222