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press pictures

WETSOFT® NE 750 - Drop Test

The drop test proves that textiles that have been treated with WETSOFT® NE 750 are extremely absorbent. The emulsion penetrates to the base of the fabric, even with a long pile, which facilitates water uptake. Re-dying of the material is not a problem.

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The new softener WETSOFT® NE 750 is ideal for primary finishing of towels and high-quality materials. The treatment yields textiles that are full and soft yet absorbent. The hydrophilic fabric softener is available as a water-free concentrate with a high solids content.

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The heat-conducting SEMICOSIL® 961 TC silicone filler from WACKER is applied directly to the heat sink. Once the electrical circuit is pressed on, the gap filler cures to form a soft, cushioning silicone layer that optimally transfers heat to the heat sink.

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Test at WACKER’s outdoor weathering station in Dubai

The new PRIMIS® AF 1000 for exterior applications is tested under real climatic conditions at WACKER’s outdoor weathering station in Dubai. In paint formulations, the new binder yields long-lasting, brilliant colors and leaves facades highly resistant to the elements.

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At the K 2016 Trade Fair for Rubber and Plastics, WACKER, the Munich-based chemical company, will present LUMISIL® 590 und LUMISIL® 591, two highly transparent LED encapsulants. They have a refractive index of 1.53 which boosts the efficiency of the lighting unit. They also protect the LED chip from damage and corrosive gases which prolongs its service life.

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