Well Spotted: Best Idea Makes Lab Work Safer
Munich, Apr 07, 2020
WACKER Wins First Place in the German Idea Management Prize 2020 Category of “Best Idea in Occupational Safety and Workplace Health”! The prize went to a research team from Munich’s Consortium.

With its annual Idea Management Prize, the German center for ideas and innovation management (das Deutsche Zentrum für Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement) honors outstanding employee improvement suggestions at companies committed to the employee suggestion program.
Following a first-place finish in 2018, WACKER is now once again among the winners. A research team from the Group’s Munich-based Consortium took first place in the category of “Best Idea in Occupational Safety and Workplace Health.”
Our colleagues had developed supports to secure thermal insulation containers. They thereby reduced the risk of an accident when positioning such containers, which are filled with liquid nitrogen for cooling purposes.
“We have now implemented this clever idea at all sites in Germany,” says Susanne Engl, head of Idea Management/Employee Suggestion Program at WACKER. “This shows once again how often simple methods lead to an outstanding solution for a potential problem – if you just look closely enough.”
This year’s awards ceremony took place in an unusual form due to the coronavirus pandemic: virtually. The prize winners were very pleased, despite – or even in light of – the challenging situation.

Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations
Petra Hettich
Tel. +49 89 6279-1303
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