“WACKER’s top A rating confirms to customers and investors our leading position in climate and environmental protection,” says Dr. Peter Gigler, Head of Sustainability at WACKER. As a non-profit, CDP (formerly “Carbon Disclosure Project”) has set itself the goal of motivating companies and municipalities to disclose their environmental impact to promote investment in a sustainable economy. To this end, CDP collects and assesses data and information on environmental impacts, targets and strategies on behalf of investors on an annual basis. Participation is voluntary using a standardized questionnaire on the topics of Climate Change, Water Security and Forests. The rating scale corresponds to American school grades from A (leadership, top score) to F (insufficient disclosure of information).
With the top score of A in the Climate Change category, WACKER topped the assessment group of over 24,800 companies worldwide in this category. According to CDP, these companies are characterized by high-quality and complete data that provides a comprehensive overview of environmental impacts and transformation plans. WACKER also confirmed its leading position in the Water Security category and, as in the previous year, received an A-.