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Agricultural Solutions

SILFOAM® antifoams provide effective and long-lasting foam control in production processes for various plant protection formulations. The outcome is uncomplicated, efficient production.

Furthermore, SILFOAM® foam control systems allow users to rapidly fill the plant protection agent into containers for application.

Most of our antifoam agents comply with EPA regulations and are adapted to fully comply with specific legislative requirements.

Our expert teams will be happy to provide support with product selection and give you processing tips as well as formulation recommendations for your specific application.


Product properties
产品种类 监管
CAVASOL® W6 HP TL (Hi pH) - -
SILFOAM® eco SD 670 自分散产品 -
SILFOAM® eco SD 860 自分散产品 -
SILFOAM® eco SD 882 - -
SILFOAM® eco SE 2060 - -
SILFOAM® eco SE 3060 - -
SILFOAM® eco SH - -
SILFOAM® SC 120 混合物 技术级, Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SC 132 混合物 技术级, Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SD 670 自分散产品 -
SILFOAM® SD 860 自分散产品 -
SILFOAM® SD 882 自分散产品 -
SILFOAM® SE 1661 乳液 Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SE 2 乳液 食品接触, Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SE 2060 乳液 Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SE 3060 乳液 Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SE 39 乳液 技术级
SILFOAM® SE 47 乳液 Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SE 6 乳液 Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SH 混合物 食品接触, Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SP 150 粉末 Listed in EPA database
SILFOAM® SP 7960 粉末 Listed in EPA database
WACKER® L 053 -
WACKER® L 057 -
WACKER® L 060 -
WACKER® L 066 -
WACKER® L 067 -
[] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合