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WACKER silicone rubbers possess excellent sealing and adhesive properties, are resistant to heat and fluids, and have excellent durability. This functional reliability helps to keep the occupants safe. Especially in the engine compartment, our silicone grades seal reliably under demanding conditions, such as high temperatures, constant vibration, and contact with fluids. Silicones are also an integral part of solid gaskets with their rugged multi-layer structure.


  • High heat stability
  • Very good resistance to fluids


  • Cylinder-head gaskets
  • Impregnation of substrate materials (whether or not they contain sulfur)
  • Gasket contour can be screen printed
  • Topcoats for surface sealing

Product Recommendations

Table is scrollable
Technical data
Viscosity, dynamic Hardness Shore A Elongation at break
ELASTOSIL® A 4 21000 cP[1] 21000 cP[1] 50[2] 50[2] 100 % 100 %
[1] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | WSTM-2103,  [2] Hardness Shore A | WSTM-1110,  [] Suited,  [] Well suited,  [] Ideally suited 


  • Fuel, oil and chemical resistance
  • Oil-bleeding
  • Flame resistant
  • Heat resistance over a wide temperature range (from -90 °C to +300 °C).


  • Molded Seals
  • Engine gaskets
  • Oil-pan seals
  • Coolant-system seals
  • Sealing mats used in multipin plugs and for single-wire and radial seals


  • Highly versatile processing
  • Simple processing
  • High cost-efficiency
  • Nondestructive disassembly possible
  • Integrated gasket


  • Radiator gaskets
  • Sealing of water pumps and oil pumps
  • Housing seals
  • Sound and heat insulation
  • Shock and vibration decoupling


Product properties
动态粘度 Tear-growth resistance Shore density A Breaking strength 断裂伸长率 邵氏00硬度 耐久性 流变性 交联性能 硫化胶
ELASTOSIL® E4 - - 7.3 N/mm[1] 7.3 N/mm[1] 15[2] 15[2] 2 N/mm²[4] 2 N/mm²[4] 750 %[7] 750 %[7] - - - 抗下垂 - -
ELASTOSIL® RT 624 "4S" A/B VS 60000 mPa·s[10] 60000 mPa·s[10] - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ELASTOSIL® RT 713 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 抗下垂 高温下快速固化, 单组分, 加成固化 泡沫, 可压缩
ELASTOSIL® RT 723 A/B 600000 mPa·s[11] 600000 mPa·s[11] 13.8 N/mm[1] 13.8 N/mm[1] - - 5.9 N/mm²[5] 5.9 N/mm²[5] 500 %[8] 500 %[8] - - 耐介质, 耐热性, 紫外线稳定性 - 高温下快速固化, 双组分, 加成固化 -
ELASTOSIL® RT 773 - - 4.7 N/mm[1] 4.7 N/mm[1] 35[2] 35[2] 1.2 N/mm²[5] 1.2 N/mm²[5] 75 %[8] 75 %[8] - - 耐介质 剪切变稀, 触变, 抗下垂 缩合固化, 双组分 自粘性, 可压缩, 低密度, 电绝缘性
ELASTOSIL® SC 870 A/B 40000 mPa·s[12] 40000 mPa·s[12] - - 8 - 12[3] 8 - 12[3] 350 kPa[6] 350 kPa[6] 100 %[9] 100 %[9] 40 - 60[13] 40 - 60[13] 耐热性 触变 双组分, 加成固化 泡沫, 可压缩
[1] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [2] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [3] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4 | (with skin),  [4] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1 | Type 3 / 23°C / 2mm,  [5] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [6] Breaking strength | ISO 1798,  [7] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1 | Type 3 / 23°C / 2mm,  [8] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [9] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 1798,  [10] 动态粘度 D = 0.5 1/s | 25 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [11] 动态粘度 | 25 °C | 0.5 1/s | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [12] 动态粘度 | 23 °C | Brookfield | Spindle 5, 2.5UPM,  [13] 邵氏00硬度 (with skin) | ASTM D 2240,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 

Unlike inserted gaskets, FIPGs do not require the mating surfaces to have high dimensional accuracy. In addition, the cured gasket material remains securely in place without the need for additional fixing. These two aspects allow wider part tolerances and lower the cost of parts development.


  • Effective bonding
  • Highly stable joint
  • Uniform stress distribution and perfect stress relaxation
  • Versatility
  • High cost-efficiency


  • Oil-pan gaskets
  • Gearbox seals
  • Headlamp bonding
  • Sealing housings against moisture and the effects of weathering


Product properties
Viscosity, dynamic Tear strength Tear-growth resistance Hardness Shore A Tensile strength Elongation at break Resistance Regulation Product Rheology Crosslinking Property Vulcanizate
ELASTOSIL® A234 WHITE 25000 mPa·s[4] 25000 mPa·s[4] - - 3.5 N/mm[1] 3.5 N/mm[1] 35[10] 35[10] 2.5 N/mm²[12] 2.5 N/mm²[12] 200 %[16] 200 %[16] Heat resistant - - - -
ELASTOSIL® A33 IVORY 1000000 mPa·s[5] 1000000 mPa·s[5] - - 7.8 N/mm[2] 7.8 N/mm[2] 28[10] 28[10] 2.5 N/mm²[12] 2.5 N/mm²[12] 300 %[16] 300 %[16] Oil resistant - Non-slump - -
ELASTOSIL® A59 GRAY 40000 mPa·s[6] 40000 mPa·s[6] - - 3.0 N/mm[1] 3.0 N/mm[1] 20[10] 20[10] 1.2 N/mm²[12] 1.2 N/mm²[12] 300 %[16] 300 %[16] Oil resistant, Heat resistant - Self-levelling - -
ELASTOSIL® E10 ROT - - - - 8.0 N/mm[1] 8.0 N/mm[1] 25[10] 25[10] 2.5 N/mm²[13] 2.5 N/mm²[13] 300 %[17] 300 %[17] Heat resistant Solvent-free Flowable - -
ELASTOSIL® E14 Red - - - - 7 N/mm[1] 7 N/mm[1] 32[10] 32[10] 2.5 N/mm²[12] 2.5 N/mm²[12] 400 %[16] 400 %[16] Heat resistant MIL-A 46106 grade Non-slump - -
ELASTOSIL® E4 - - - - 7.3 N/mm[1] 7.3 N/mm[1] 15[10] 15[10] 2 N/mm²[14] 2 N/mm²[14] 750 %[18] 750 %[18] - - Non-slump - -
ELASTOSIL® E41 TRANSPARENT 100000 mPa·s[7] 100000 mPa·s[7] - - 11.5 N/mm[1] 11.5 N/mm[1] 40[10] 40[10] 6.0 N/mm²[14] 6.0 N/mm²[14] 350 %[18] 350 %[18] - - Self-levelling - -
ELASTOSIL® E43 BLACK 250000 mPa·s[4] 250000 mPa·s[4] - - 11.5 N/mm[1] 11.5 N/mm[1] 30[10] 30[10] 6.5 N/mm²[15] 6.5 N/mm²[15] 500 %[19] 500 %[19] - Solvent-free - - -
ELASTOSIL® E43 N BLACK - - - - - - 30[10] 30[10] 7.5 N/mm²[12] 7.5 N/mm²[12] 500 %[16] 500 %[16] - - Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® E43 N TRANSPARENT - - - - - - 30[10] 30[10] 7.8 N/mm²[12] 7.8 N/mm²[12] 450 %[16] 450 %[16] - - Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® E43 TRANSPARENT 250000 mPa·s[8] 250000 mPa·s[8] - - 11.5 N/mm[1] 11.5 N/mm[1] 30[10] 30[10] 6.50 N/mm²[14] 6.50 N/mm²[14] 500 %[18] 500 %[18] - Solvent-free - - -
ELASTOSIL® E47 TRANSPARENT 600000 mPa·s[8] 600000 mPa·s[8] - - 10 N/mm[1] 10 N/mm[1] 37[10] 37[10] 4.5 N/mm²[15] 4.5 N/mm²[15] 450 %[19] 450 %[19] - MIL-A 46106 grade Non-slump, Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® E50 N TRANSPARENT - - - - - - 35[10] 35[10] 2.6 N/mm²[12] 2.6 N/mm²[12] 200 %[16] 200 %[16] - MIL-A 46106 grade - - -
ELASTOSIL® N 2010 10.000 mPa·s[9] 10.000 mPa·s[9] - - - - 25[10] 25[10] 1 N/mm²[13] 1 N/mm²[13] 200 %[20] 200 %[20] - - Shear thinning, Self-levelling - -
ELASTOSIL® N 2034 30000 mPa·s[8] 30000 mPa·s[8] - - - - 35[10] 35[10] 2 N/mm²[13] 2 N/mm²[13] 200 %[20] 200 %[20] - Flame retardant - - -
ELASTOSIL® N 2189 250000 mPa·s[8] 250000 mPa·s[8] - - 5.0 N/mm[1] 5.0 N/mm[1] 45[10] 45[10] 1.5 N/mm²[13] 1.5 N/mm²[13] 200 %[20] 200 %[20] Oil resistant, Heat resistant Flame retardant Non-slump - -
ELASTOSIL® N 2199 950000 mPa·s[4] 950000 mPa·s[4] - - 6.5 N/mm[1] 6.5 N/mm[1] 30[10] 30[10] 2.5 N/mm²[13] 2.5 N/mm²[13] 400 %[20] 400 %[20] - MIL-A 46106 grade Non-slump - -
ELASTOSIL® N9111 BLACK 1000000 mPa·s[8] 1000000 mPa·s[8] - - 8.5 N/mm[2] 8.5 N/mm[2] 30[10] 30[10] 2.0 N/mm²[13] 2.0 N/mm²[13] 450 %[17] 450 %[17] - Flame retardant Non-slump, Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® N9111 GREY 1000000 mPa·s[8] 1000000 mPa·s[8] - - 10 N/mm[2] 10 N/mm[2] 30[10] 30[10] 2.2 N/mm²[13] 2.2 N/mm²[13] 500 %[17] 500 %[17] - - Non-slump, Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® N9111 WHITE 900000 mPa·s[4] 900000 mPa·s[4] - - 10 N/mm[2] 10 N/mm[2] 30[10] 30[10] 2.20 N/mm²[13] 2.20 N/mm²[13] 500 %[17] 500 %[17] - Flame retardant Non-slump, Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® N9189 - - - - - - 40[10] 40[10] 2.8 N/mm²[12] 2.8 N/mm²[12] 300 %[16] 300 %[16] Heat resistant - Shear thinning, Non-slump - -
ELASTOSIL® RT 723 A/B 600000 mPa·s[5] 600000 mPa·s[5] 13.8 N/mm[3] 13.8 N/mm[3] - - - - 5.9 N/mm²[12] 5.9 N/mm²[12] 500 %[16] 500 %[16] Media resistant, Heat resistant, UV stable - - Fast curing under heat, Two-component, Addition Curing -
ELASTOSIL® RT 778 - - 7.0[3] 7.0[3] - - 50[10] 50[10] 3.5 N/mm²[12] 3.5 N/mm²[12] 120 %[16] 120 %[16] Heat resistant - Shear thinning, Non-slump Condensation-curing, Two-component, Fast curing at room temperature Self-adhesive, Electrically insulating
ELASTOSIL® RT 779 - - 9.5 N/mm[3] 9.5 N/mm[3] - - 50[11] 50[11] 2.8 N/mm²[12] 2.8 N/mm²[12] 250 %[16] 250 %[16] Oil resistant - Shear thinning, Thixotropic, Non-slump Condensation-curing, Two-component Self-adhesive, Electrically insulating
[1] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [2] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B | 23°C / 2mm,  [3] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B,  [4] Viscosity, dynamic D = 0,5 1/s | 25 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [5] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | 0.5 1/s | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [6] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [7] Viscosity, dynamic D = 1 1/s | 25 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [8] Viscosity, dynamic D = 0.5 1/s | 25 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [9] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 1/s | ISO 3219,  [10] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [11] Hardness Shore A | ISO 1183-1 A,  [12] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [13] Tensile strength | ISO 37 | Type 3 / 23°C / 2mm,  [14] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1 | Type 3 / 23°C / 2mm,  [15] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1 | Type 3 /23°C / 2mm,  [16] Elongation at break | ISO 37 type 1,  [17] Elongation at break | ISO 37 | Type 3 / 23°C / 2mm,  [18] Elongation at break | ISO 37 type 1 | Type 3 / 23°C / 2mm,  [19] Elongation at break | ISO 37 type 1 | Type 3 /23°C / 2mm,  [20] Elongation at break | ISO 37,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合