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Polyurethane Processing

WACKER's silicone release agents make for smooth-running processes and high-quality products in polyurethane foam processing. They assure perfect demolding of the molded foam part in addition to improving the optics and surface quality of the shaped articles. We offer both silicone release components for formulating classical solvent-based release materials and environmentally sound, water-based silicone components. All release agent systems are available as fluids, solids, solutions, aqueous emulsions and as customized product modifications.


  • Intensive gloss
  • Long-lasting color depth
  • High water repellency


  • Polyurethane
  • Release agents


pH值 运动粘度 乳化剂类型 折射率 胺值 外观 成分 熔点 动态粘度
WACKER® 1035 - - 15 - 30 mm²/s[1] 15 - 30 mm²/s[1] - - approx. 1.4235[5] approx. 1.4235[5] - - colorless, clear to opaque colorless, clear to opaque - - - - - -
WACKER® 1038 - - 1000 - 3000 mm²/s[1] 1000 - 3000 mm²/s[1] - - 1.4070 - 1.4100[5] 1.4070 - 1.4100[5] - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - - -
WACKER® 23167 VP 4.5 - 7.5[6] 4.5 - 7.5[6] - - nonionic nonionic - - - - milky milky 52.0 - 57.0 %[7] 52.0 - 57.0 %[7] - - - -
WACKER® 50550/8 VP - - - - - - - - - - waxy waxy - - approx. 30 °C approx. 86.0 °F - -
WACKER® E 10 4.0 - 8.0[6] 4.0 - 8.0[6] - - nonionic nonionic - - - - milky milky 37.0 - 40.0 %[8] 37.0 - 40.0 %[8] - - - -
WACKER® E 1044 4.5 - 7.5[6] 4.5 - 7.5[6] - - nonionic nonionic - - - - milky milky 37.0 - 41.0 %[8] 37.0 - 41.0 %[8] - - - -
WACKER® E 1656 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® E 22 7.5 - 8.5[6] 7.5 - 8.5[6] - - nonionic / anionic nonionic / anionic - - - - milky milky 41.0 - 44.0 %[9] 41.0 - 44.0 %[9] - - - -
WACKER® E 3155 4.0 - 6.0[6] 4.0 - 6.0[6] - - nonionic nonionic - - - - milky milky 62.0 - 66.0 %[7] 62.0 - 66.0 %[7] - - - -
WACKER® E 3166 4.5 - 7.5[6] 4.5 - 7.5[6] - - nonionic nonionic - - - - milky milky 52.0 - 57.0 %[10] 52.0 - 57.0 %[10] - - - -
WACKER® E 32 3.5 - 7.0[6] 3.5 - 7.0[6] - - nonionic nonionic - - - - milky milky 37.0 - 42.0 %[7] 37.0 - 42.0 %[7] - - - -
WACKER® E 37 - - - - nonionic / anionic nonionic / anionic - - - - milky milky 38.5 - 41.5 %[7] 38.5 - 41.5 %[7] - - - -
WACKER® GM 166 - - - - - - 1.4544 - 1.4554[5] 1.4544 - 1.4554[5] - - clear, brownish clear, brownish - - - - 800 - 1400 mPa·s[11] 800 - 1400 mPa·s[11]
WACKER® L 653 - - 50 - 100 mm²/s[1] 50 - 100 mm²/s[1] - - 1.4020 - 1.4050[5] 1.4020 - 1.4050[5] 0.10 - 0.15 meq/g 0.10 - 0.15 meq/g clear, colorless to yellowish clear, colorless to yellowish - - - - - -
WACKER® L 656 - - 15 - 35 mm²/s[1] 15 - 35 mm²/s[1] - - 1.4090 - 1.4120[5] 1.4090 - 1.4120[5] 1.20 - 1.40 meq/g 1.20 - 1.40 meq/g clear clear - - - - - -
WACKER® MQ 803 TF - - 3.8 - 4.3 mm²/s[2] 3.8 - 4.3 mm²/s[2] - - - - - - white powder white powder - - - - - -
WACKER® NE 4720 - - - - anionic anionic - - - - milky milky 37.0 - 42.0 %[7] 37.0 - 42.0 %[7] - - - -
WACKER® TN - - 1000 - 1600 mm²/s[3] 1000 - 1600 mm²/s[3] - - 1.4620 - 1.4650[5] 1.4620 - 1.4650[5] - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - - -
WACKER® TNE 50 - - - - nonionic nonionic - - - - milky milky 52.0 - 57.0 %[8] 52.0 - 57.0 %[8] - - - -
WACKER® TPD - - 200 - 400 mm²/s[1] 200 - 400 mm²/s[1] - - 1.4025 - 1.4045[5] 1.4025 - 1.4045[5] 0.015 - 0.035 meq/g 0.015 - 0.035 meq/g clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - - -
WACKER® TPR - - 250 - 400 mm²/s[4] 250 - 400 mm²/s[4] - - 1.4050 - 1.4080[5] 1.4050 - 1.4080[5] - - clear clear - - - - - -
WACKER® W 23 - - - - - - - - - - white, wax-like white, wax-like - - 39.0 - 45.0 °C 102.2 - 113 °F - -
[1] 运动粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 51562-1 ,  [2] Kinematic Viscosity (of a 50 % solution in toluene),  [3] 运动粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 53019,  [4] 运动粘度 | DIN 51562-1 ,  [5] 折射率 | 25 °C | DIN 51423,  [6] pH值 | 指示剂条,  [7] 固含量 | Microwave oven,  [8] Solid content | Microwave oven,  [9] 不挥发 | Microwave oven,  [10] 成分 | Microwave oven,  [11] 动态粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 53019,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合