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In the pharmaceutical industry, innovative solutions are as important for the manufacture of high-quality products as reliable and sustainable production processes. Based on 100 years of experience, WACKER offers fine chemicals for the synthesis of active ingredients and bioengineered products for the formulation of actives.

With complex organic intermediates, organosilanes, chiral molecules (building blocks), cyclodextrins, cysteine products and a wide range of different fine chemicals and silicones, WACKER provides a comprehensive range of products. Various pharmaceuticals and medical products would not be available or could not be manufactured without SILFAR® simethicones and dimethicones. HDK® pyrogenic silica, on the other hand, has proven an effective flow enhancer in tablet manufacture.

Pharmaceuticals – WACKER ACADEMY Seminars

Knowledge and experience are just as important as quality and advances when it comes to health. Attend the highly practical seminars offered by WACKER ACADEMY and benefit from our years of experience and in-depth understanding of pharmaceutical applications.

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