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Power to the People: Silicones for Grid Expansion and Energy Transition

Net zero emissions by 2045: This is the ambitious goal which Germany has set itself. For the energy transition to succeed, a collaborative effort from all parties involved is needed: from the energy providers and grid operators to industry and the consumers. The success of this process depends not only on the grand vision, but also on the finer details. And from this aspect, one group of materials stands out for its remarkable contribution: silicones.

Germany took its last nuclear reactors off the grid in April 2023 and is set to phase out coal-fired power generation by 2038 at the latest. There is no doubt about it: the energy transition is in full swing here. By the end of this decade, renewable sources are projected to account for as much as 80% of overall energy generation. This will be a blessing for the environment, but it also brings immense challenges – especially since electricity demand is expected to soar in the next decade as more sectors make the switch to electric power: industrial processes, transport and heating systems.

How Does Electricity Get from A to B?

Generating electricity from sun, wind or water is one thing. Getting it to the end users who need it is another. Unlike Germany’s traditional power plants, many of which were located close to industrial and urban areas, solar and wind farms are often concentrated in areas that do not need the amount of power actually generated there: off Germany’s northern coast where there is usually wind in abundance and in the sparsely populated south and east where there is plenty of space for solar panels. This means that Germany will have to transport much more electricity over longer distances from A to B than ever before.

Northern and central Germany are dotted with wind turbines.

Southern and eastern Germany depend mainly on solar energy.

The Energy Transition – Powered by WACKER

WACKER is leading the way in the energy transition: with a cutting-edge product portfolio that covers a wide range of applications in solar, wind and hydro power plants, grid expansion and electromobility.

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To make the energy transition happen, Germany needs to upgrade and expand its power grid significantly. According to the Federal Requirements Plan, 2,800 kilometers of new power lines are needed at the extra-high voltage level alone.

And that is not all: a study by the German Energy Agency (dena) in 2012 estimated that more than 214,000 kilometers of the high, medium and low-voltage grids would have to be converted and extended across the federal states by 2030. That’s enough to encircle the globe more than five times!

(Source: https://www.dena.de/fileadmin/dena/Dokumente/Pdf/9036_ESD_dena-Verteilnetzstudie.pdf)

Electricity Supply? Play It Safe!

When it comes to grid expansion, speed and security of supply are essential. Renewable energy production is largely dependent on the weather, which means that the grid has to deal with the fluctuations caused by changing weather conditions. To be able to smooth out these fluctuations, Europe’s interconnected power grid needs to be strengthened and its capacity expanded.

The Role of Silicones in the Energy Transition

To transmit energy reliably, you need reliable materials. That is where WACKER silicones come in. No matter whether electricity is flowing through overhead power lines or through underground cables, you will find them in insulators, cable accessories and modern connector systems for medium-voltage cables.

Silicones Have Remarkable Properties that Make Them Ideal for the Energy Grid:


Water simply rolls off dirty silicone surfaces; this prevents electrical discharges and flashovers in insulators.

UV Resistance

Silicones are perfect for outdoor applications, as they can withstand strong sunlight without any damage.

Heat Resistance

Silicones can be used at higher temperatures than other insulating materials.

Where Silicones Enter the Grid: Overhead Lines and Underground Cables

There are two ways to install power lines: above ground as overhead lines or below ground in underground cables. Each has its pros and cons, depending on factors such as voltage range, environment, cost and local conditions.

Overhead Lines: High Voltage from Pole to Pole

In Germany, the nearest utility pole with overhead lines is never far away. These lines are used for long-distance transmission of high and extra-high voltage. They are comparatively inexpensive and take up little space.

However, they also face more challenges from the weather. They need to withstand heat, cold, wind, snow and ice. If they fail, thousands of households could be seriously affected. Safety and reliability are therefore paramount. These are two conditions that silicones meet perfectly: silicones are resistant to heat, frost and UV radiation – and, above all, silicones are water-repellent. Water simply rolls off insulators that have been coated with silicone, even when their surface is dirty. The water-repellent effect is transferred to the layer of dirt – this is called hydrophobic transfer.

The POWERSIL® brand of silicones from WACKER are used to make rod and hollow insulators as well as to coat glass and ceramic insulators.

Structure of a rod insulator

Benefits of POWERSIL® in Rod Insulators:

  • Long service life due to excellent hydrophobic properties and resistance to heat, UV and ozone
  • Ease of use due to low weight
  • Excellent toughness and impact strength due to flexibility
  • High flashover resistance due to hydrophobic surface
  • Low maintenance costs due to hydrophobicity transfer

Structure of a hollow insulator

Benefits of POWERSIL® in Hollow Insulators:

  • Excellent process reliability and flexibility in the manufacturing process
  • Ease of handling due to low weight (80% lighter than porcelain insulators)
  • Excellent impact and shock resistance
  • High flashover resistance due to hydrophobic surface

Porcelain Under Cover:
Silicones as Coatings

POWERSIL® silicones are also used to coat existing glass and ceramic insulators. This is mainly done to upgrade high-voltage overhead lines exposed to dirt and pollution, both of which can cause critical operating conditions.

A POWERSIL® coating offers numerous advantages, such as low leakage currents, lower maintenance costs and a long service life. In addition, even heavy soiling will not give rise to flashovers.

Underground Cables: Medium and High Voltage from the Ground Up

Underground cables are another option for power transmission. They are mainly used for medium and high-voltage levels. Once they are installed, they are invisible and so do not detract from the appearance of cityscapes and landscapes. They also save a great deal of space in urban and built-up areas and can be installed where required safety distances from overhead lines cannot be maintained. However, they are more expensive and difficult to repair and maintain than overhead lines. That is why they need reliable and durable materials, too.

Connecting Cables Safely

Underground cables themselves have a protective sheathing around them. In this case, it is the connectors which need extra care: they join different cables using sleeves, plugs and terminations. They have to be 100% insulating, because any component or material failure could be very costly to fix. POWERSIL® silicone rubber from WACKER is ideal for cable accessories: they have excellent dielectric properties, flexibility, weathering resistance, tracking resistance and arc resistance. They help ensure the security of supply of power grids.

Benefits of POWERSIL® in Cable Accessories

  • Excellent electrical and hydrophobic properties
  • Permanent flexibility over a wide temperature range
  • High flashover resistance, even when heavily soiled
  • Long service life: practically no aging
  • Very good flame resistance, no toxic by-products in the event of fire
  • Very high weathering stability, including against ozone and UV radiation
  • Very good leakage-current and arc resistance

Want to know more about WACKER solutions for transmission and distribution?

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