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This construction materials seminar is offered by Korean distributor Chemicon in cooperation with Poraver. Here WACKER provides a basic introduction to the global market trend toward ETICS and on the status of ETICS in Korea.
An interest in the global ETICS trend and polymer technology
- Introduction to the global ETICS market trend
- Introduction to the Korean ETICS trend and fire regulations
- Comparision between 1K ETICS materials
- Activities of the Korean ETICS association
Seminar objectives
Globally, ETICS is mainly based on 1K dry-mix mortars, and here we introduce DPP-based adhesives and base coats. The PF board market in Korea is growing due to fire-safety issues and tightened regulations. The base coat for PF board systems consists primarily of 1K dry-mix mortar; here we introduce polymer-modified mortars for high bonding strength and high impact resistance. As the global leader for high-quality polymer binders, WACKER POLYMERS has developed a class of optimized binders whose characteristics include outstanding leveling properties.
Target audience
Technical and managerial employees from applications technology and R&D organizations within the dry-mix mortar industry.
Seminar language