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Energy High Voltage Insulator Coatings

Instructor-led training | Customers & Distributors


Through presentations and small case studies, this course will familiarize you with advantages, application techinques, test methods and WACKER solutions for HVIC application.


Basic knowledge of the transmission & distribution industry


  • Introduction to POWERSIL® High Voltage Insulator Coatings (HVIC)
  • To familiarize you with HVIC coating application and its advantages
  • Application demo

Target audience

Sales managers, technical managers, applicators

Seminar language


Fee (plus VAT)

0.00 EUR

Number of participants

5 - 10


Abbas Kanisan

Abbas Kanisan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and another in Physical Sciences. He joined WACKER in 2008 and currently holds the position of Technical Manager for Engineering Silicones (MEA region). Since 2009, he has been supporting the WACKER ACADEMY training team, and has been involved with customer training and seminars for the past few years.