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press pictures

WACKER Silicone Award - Prof. Alexander Filippou

Prof. Alexander Filippou, Director of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Bonn, received the WACKER Silicone Award 2016 yesterday evening. The research award of the Munich-based WACKER Group was presented at the eighth European Silicon Days in Poznań, Poland.

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WACKER Silicone Award 2016

As part of the eighth European Silicon Days in Poznań (Poland), Prof. Alexander Filippou (center), Director of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Bonn, was distinguished with the WACKER Silicone Award 2016. He is shown here being congratulated by WACKER Executive Board member Auguste Willems (right) and WACKER SILICONES President Dr. Robert Gnann.

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Product test: VINNAPAS® EP 3360

Product test: an employee checks panels coated with VAE-based interior archi-tectural paints drying on a rack. The new VAE dispersion VINNAPAS® EP 3360 enables the formulation of high-performance interior paints with reduced emissions.

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Muffin egg-free

CAVAMAX® W6 alphadextrin is an ideal water-soluble dietary fiber for innovative baked goods – from cakes, muffins, waffles and pancakes through to gluten-free bread – that do not need any egg or egg powder.

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