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Big Tiles, Big Challenges
Large-format tiles are trending: as a cost-effective alternative to natural stone, XXL porcelain tiles make walls and floors look as if they have been produced in a single casting. Naturally, before we can see just how stunning they are, they first have to be installed. But: large-format tiles mean big challenges – for the tiler and the materials used. Our video shows how a 1.20 m x 2.60 m tile is installed.

When we talk about tiles, what qualifies as ‘large’ in one country may not be considered ‘large’ in another. Tiles measuring 30 x 60 cm are considered large in Europe, but 60 x 60 cm tiles have long been common in other countries – and they can even be much larger: sizes up to 150 x 300 cm may be rare, but they certainly exist. To securely attach these elegant giants to a wall, there are two things experienced tilers need: the right tile adhesive and the right technique.
What Happens in Practice
We tried it out. Experienced tilers were tasked with installing a large-format tile on a wall in our Technical Center in Burghausen. Here is the result:
What the Technical Tests Reveal
Once the tile had been installed, we tested the tensile adhesion strength. The results show good wetting and strong bonding of the tile.
We’ve made a video that shows you how to test tensile adhesive strength using a pull-out test, as well as showing you how to remove the tile. The pull-out test was performed after 24 hours and repeated after 28 days. We removed some parts of the tile manually and used an electric hammer drill to remove other sections.