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press pictures


WACKER will be showcasing its new silane-terminated binders GENIOSIL® STP E 140 and GENIOSIL® STP-E 340 at ECS 2025. Both products can be used, for example, to formulate tin-free assembly adhesives. (Photo: WACKER)

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Laboratory tests show that sealants based on the GENIOSIL® STP-E 340 binder exhibit very good elastic recovery properties. WACKER will be premiering the product at the European Coatings Show in March. (Photo: WACKER)

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Liquid silicon

Liquid metallurgical-grade silicon is an important intermediate product. Once cooled, it serves as the starting material for a whole range of products – from high-purity polysilicon for microchips and solar modules to silicones (Photo: WACKER)

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WACKER site in Holla, Norway

Carbon from renewable sources will soon be used at the WACKER site in Holla, Norway (Photo: WACKER)

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Tobias Ohler