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The designation “eco” means that the company only uses renewable raw materials and silicon in the production of its silicone fluids for cosmetic applications known by the brand name BELSIL®.

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Silicone Fluids

Silicone fluids are used in the cosmetics and consumer goods industries, among others. WACKER is the first company in the world to produce silicone fluids without the use of fossil resources.

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Test VINNAPAS 4240 N

Laboratory experiments show that the new dispersible polymer powder VINNAPAS® 4240 N has a better tensile adhesive strength and stripping resistance than conventional market products after just one day. This ensures a very strong adhesive bond between an EPS panel and masonry in external thermal insulation composite systems.

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Opening Amtala

Wacker Metroark Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. is expanding its existing silicone production at its Amtala site near Kolkata with a new hydrosilylation plant for manufacturing functional silicone fluids. The plant with an annual capacity of over 6,000 metric tons was officially opened today at a ceremony in Amtala. The expansion is WACKER’s response to growing regional demand for specialty silicones for use in the textile, personal-care, rigid and flexible polyurethane foam and agrochemical sectors. The investment for the plant amounts to around €6 million.

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