Product Carbon Footprints (PCF) – Guideline for Carbon Footprint Calculation
Munich, Oct 11, 2022
Together for Sustainability (TfS), a global alliance of some 40 chemical companies, has developed a guideline for calculating upstream Scope 3 emissions on product level with Product Carbon Footprints (PCF). WACKER was involved in drafting the joint standard, having previously set ambitious goals for reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions on various levels by 2030.
Accessible worldwide, the open-source guideline shows chemical-industry suppliers how to calculate the carbon footprint of products and how to report this data to customers. This is unprecedented and will significantly increase the reliability of scope 3 emissions calculations. WACKER’s Procurement team will introduce the new method to its suppliers and help them apply it.
WACKER will not only apply the PCF calculation method to suppliers, but also use the method for its own products. In order to provide reliable PCF data to its customers, WACKER is working on calculating the carbon footprint of all WACKER products automatically. The project is scheduled to end in 2024.
WACKER is working on ambitious goals to reduce absolute greenhouse emissions by 2030:
- Scope 1 and 2 are a company’s own emissions and emissions from purchased electricity. The goal is to reduce these by 50 percent.
- Scope 3 upstream: dominated by emissions from purchased raw materials, these emissions account for some two thirds of WACKER’s total greenhouse emissions. They are to drop by 25 percent.
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Wacker Chemie AG
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Petra Hettich
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