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A medium for art

Internationally renowned weaving artist Monika Fioreschy experiments with unusual materials in order to find new means of expressing the art of weaving. Over 30 years ago, the Austrian artist replaced the traditional wool thread on the loom with silicone tubing made of WACKER’s solid silicone rubber and thus transformed conventional tapestry weaving in a sensational way. Here is a look into the world of the transfusion image and Sil-Icons techniques for which WACKER offers the ideal material.

Dynamic and inquisitive: when artist Monika Fioreschy talks about her silicone art, she radiates pure energy.

The heart-lung machine worked away quietly, while the doctors concentrated on performing the heart surgery step by step. That’s when Monika Fioreschy noticed the fine silicone blood transfusion tubes. “That was the moment in which I decided to use silicone tubing for weaving,” she says. The artist, who is now 77, witnessed a heart surgery in 1992 in Salzburg. At the time, she was looking for a new approach, because she did not want to settle for the traditional art of weaving, with which she had already caused quite a stir around the world as a weaving artist. “Silicone tubing has had a lasting impact on my work,” emphasizes Fioreschy.

Born in South Tyrol, the artist has lived and worked in Salzburg since 1985. She started her career after graduating from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Her work can, for example, be seen in the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Lentos Art Museum in Linz and the collection of the European Patent Office in Munich.

Visit to the artist's studio

Experience the artist Monika Fioreschy in a short video portrait.

Iconic silicones

Since 1993, Fioreschy has been using silicone tubing for her weaving work instead of traditional woolen thread and has developed the new art form “transfusion silicones” and “Sil-Icons.” For the former, the artist injects dye, blood or chlorophyll into the woven structure with a needle. In the case of the Sil-Icons, Fioreschy partly paints the woven surface. She thus steps away from pure textile art and gives her woven pieces additional substance. According to art critics, “Fioreschy revolutionizes our understanding of the modern tapestry.” The artist has been using unusual materials to set benchmarks with her work for decades.

Most recently, the weaving artist has been working on the mother project of her art form: “Von Silicon zu Silicon” (from silicone to silicone). The flexible, soft silicone tubes lie close together in the frame – either in straight lines or waves. On the surface of the piece, fine silicone tubes entwine a small gray-black chunk of silicon metal – thus, from silicone to silicone. “I’m not yet sure that I’m happy with it,” says the artist, critically evaluating her work in her studio. She grasps the fine silicone tubing on the table in front of her again and again – touches it, feels it. Maybe it needs smaller “silicon metal chunks,” she wonders out loud. A typical moment for Fioreschy – she does not describe herself as “ever searching” for nothing.

Silicone – the material of the century

Soft, light, erotic. Monika Fioreschy is enthusiastic about the properties of WACKER’s silicone tubing.

Fioreschy is very enthusiastic when she talks about the material that she works with, silicone tubing: “It is very soft, silky, light, semitransparent, pure, erotic.” People have been weaving for thousands of years. “The technique has not changed since. We still work with weft and warp,” explains Fioreschy. With her artistic approach, one of the oldest technologies is meeting the latest technology. Smiling, she lifts up the tubing and adds: “For me, silicone is the material of the century.”

One material, many application options

Silicone rubber compounds can be tailored to a diverse range of applications. Product selection is based on processing and the required properties of the cured rubber. Our ELASTOSIL® silicone rubber is characterized by numerous material benefits: it has very good mechanical and thermal properties, even in delicate components, and can withstand dynamic stress under continuous load. Some grades feature very high tear strength, while others impress with good release properties. The operating temperature range lies between -50 and +250 degrees Celsius. Silicone rubber is easy to process and ranges from being electrically insulating to semiconductive.

Extrusion is a continuous manufacturing process in which silicone rubber is forced through a die and then vulcanized. The die gives the extrudate its shape. Alongside tubing, typical extrusion applications include profiles, cables, flat tapes and round cords.

This is how tubing gets its high tensile strength, enormous elasticity and excellent elastic recovery. We offer two product ranges of solid silicone rubber, which is also described as HCR (high consistency rubber):

  • Peroxide-curing grades under the brand name ELASTOSIL® R (R = rubber)
  • Addition-curing grades named ELASTOSIL® R plus

We also supply suitable color pastes for solid and liquid silicone rubber grades on request.

You can find an overview of our ELASTOSIL® Color Pastes FL & PT here