Production site viewed from the sea clear_16x9

Wacker Chemicals Norway AS

Holla, Norway

Independent silicon-metal production

With the takeover of this silicon metal plant in Holla, Norway, we expanded our supply chain and took an important step towards supply security. The plant has been part of the WACKER Group since 2010. Metallurgical-grade silicon is one of our company’s most important raw materials and is needed to produce silicones and hyperpure polycrystalline silicon.

Today we generate around a quarter of our silicon-metal requirements from the Holla production site. The silicon is then transported by freighters from the company’s own dock to Germany, where it is mainly used for silicone production at the Burghausen and Nünchritz sites. The acquisition of the plant has made us far less dependent on the global market for metallurgical-grade silicon.

Site-Specific Facts & Figures

  • Name: Wacker Chemicals Norway AS
  • Location: Kyrksæterøra, Norway
  • Area: 240,000 m²
  • Employees: approx. 170 (31 Dec., 2017)
  • Products: silicon metal and microsilica

Wacker Chemicals Norway AS

Holla Metall
Hollaveien 482
7200 Kyrksaeterora
+47 72 4506-00

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