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Health Services

It is the goal of Health Services to reintegrate employees quickly into their previous workplace once they have recovered from their illnesses. With physiotherapy services available on site, employees never have far to go to get help.

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Health Center’s outpatient facility

The Health Center’s outpatient facility is staffed around the clock with trained paramedics. These paramedics provide first aid and emergency care and are also responsible for training the site’s first-aid providers.

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Health Center Burghausen

The new Health Center at WACKER’s Burghausen site. The company invested around €4 million in the new building.

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VINNAPAS® 4800 G - Polymer Powder

Gypsum joint in drywall: VINNAPAS® 4800 G is a new dispersible polymer powder ideal for enhancing ecologically sound, gypsum-based joint fillers and jointing compounds for drywall applications. Gypsum mortars containing the powder yield smooth, crack-free surfaces, are easy to apply and offer excellent adhesion.

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Pad Printing

A silicone pad (shown here in blue) is used for printing on sensitive components. Room-temperature-vulcanizing silicone rubber grades are elastic and exhibit considerable rebound resilience, making them suitable for producing these kinds of transfer pads.

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