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press pictures

Wacker Biotech_Halle_Produktion_Pharmaproteine

Bacteria at Wacker Biotech in Halle produce pharmaceutical proteins in stainless steel tanks known as fermenters. The site is being expanded into an mRNA technical competence center, scheduled to start up in 2024 and featuring a new technology (photo: WACKER).

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Wacker Biotech_Amsterdam_quality control

From development to dispensing: at WACKER’s Amsterdam biotech site, active ingredients can be dispensed into their final packaging for shipment to the customer. The vials then undergo one last quality control step (photo: WACKER).

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Wacker Biotech_Dr Guido Seidel

Guido Seidel is the managing director of Wacker Biotech and responsible for the biopharmaceutical sector at WACKER (photo: WACKER).

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Wacker Biotech_SanDiego_Plasmid-DNA

As a contract manufacturer, Wacker Biotech US Inc. in San Diego operates a specialized fermentation line for manufacturing and purifying plasmid DNA (photo: WACKER).

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