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Technical Center Singapore - Technical service

Technical service engineers test products and formulations for the Southeast Asian market. Spanning an area of more than 1,500 square meters, WACKER’s regional competence center now houses under a single roof both customer development, applications technology, and a training facility for silicones and polymers applications.

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Technical Center Singapore - Practical test

Practical test at WACKER’s expanded technical center in Singapore: A new lab for silicone elastomers has been established to serve fast-growing industries in the region, such as electronics, healthcare, automotive or household.

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Production Halle Wacker Biotech

Cleanroom for the manufacture of therapeutic proteins in Halle, Germany: With its acquisition of Scil Proteins Production, WACKER is expanding its expertise as a full-service provider of pharmaceutical proteins using microbial technologies.

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Distillation columns in Charleston/Tennessee

Distillation columns at the Charleston site in the US state of Tennessee, where WACKER produces hyperpure polysilicon for the solar sector. At its new pyrogenic silica plant, WACKER can further process the resultant tetrachlorosilane byproduct from polysilicon manufacturing into HDK® to create added value.

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Reactor in Calvert City

New reactor for VAE dispersions in Calvert City: The plant complex is the biggest of its kind outside of Europe. This additional capacity enables WACKER to meet rising global demand for dispersions and dispersible polymer powders, and to strengthen its leading position in this area.

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