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ELASTOSIL® LR 3020/60 Gaskets

WACKER, the Munich-based chemical company, will be presenting a new steam-resistant and hydrolytically stable liquid silicone rubber at K 2016, the International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber. O-rings and other molded parts made from ELASTOSIL® LR 3020/60 are suitable for applications that are regularly exposed to hot water and steam. Typical applications are molded seals for domestic appliances, medical devices, sanitary engineering, heating systems and power plant technology.

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Stress test with ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/90. WACKER, the Munich-based chemical company, will showcase this new liquid silicone rubber at K 2016, the International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber. With a Shore A value of 90 after curing, the new grade achieves an exceptionally high level of hardness and rigidity.

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WACKER will be introducing novel VINNEX® polymer grades for bioplastic compounds at the 20th International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber K 2016. The new additives can considerably enhance the processing and property profile of biopolyesters or blends with starch. VINNEX®-Products are avaible as microgranulate, granulate or powder.

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VINNEX® - biodegradable films

At K 2016, the Munich based chemical group WACKER will present novel additives for bioplastic compounds. VINNEX® additives make the produc¬tion of highly transparent, biodegradable films and injection molded products made of PLA and/or PBS better and easier.

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GENIOPLAST® - Wood Plastic Composites (WPC)

At the International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber, K 2016, the Munich-based chemical group, WACKER, will be showcasing new additives for the manufacture of wood-based plastics, so-called wood-plastic composites (WPC).

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