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press pictures

WACKER Launches Mobile Demo Lab for Energy-Saving and Environmentally-Friendly Building Materials in China

WACKER’s Chinese mobile demo lab features a truck with application examples and hands-on demonstrations of construction materials. WACKER thus aims to support the application of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly building materials and to promote inter-nationally recognized building techniques and quality standards in China (photo: Wacker Chemie AG).

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Wacker Innovation Award 2015

Auguste Willems (left) of WACKER’s Executive Board with Dr. Andreas Köllnberger, the winner of this year’s Alexander Wacker Innovation Award.

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2015 Responsible Care® Competition of Germany’s VCI

Jörg Krey, WACKER’s head of Technical Procurement & Logistics (left), received the 2015 Responsible Care award from Günter von Au, president of Bavaria’s chemical industry associations (right). The Munich-based WACKER Group was cited for its sustainable approach to using raw materials efficiently and avoiding empty freight containers in overseas trade (photo: PNP/Deubelli).

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Sjaak Elmendorp, Vice President Innovations at Avery Dennison (right), and Pascal Braker, Commodity Leader Chemicals Europe (second from left), presented this year’s supplier award for sustainability. WACKER Executive Board member Auguste Willems (second from right) and Daniele Borlatto, Executive Vice President and President Release Liners at Munksjö, accepted the awards. (Photo: Avery Dennison)

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