Routine Help Today, Hope for Tomorrow
Arche” Children’s Charity and WACKER: A 18-Year Partnership
Munich, Jul 05, 2024
The Arche helps children and adolescents from socially disadvantaged families in Munich’s Moosach district. After 18 years of cooperation, many Arche children have grown up with WACKER as their partner. At the summer party, Executive Board member Angela Wörl handed over WACKER’s 18th generous donation, which amounts to €100,000 annually. Since its beginnings in 2006, WACKER has donated a total of €1.8 million to the Arche in Munich.

“The children and their families’ enthusiasm at the Arche’s big summer party shows that our donations are a good investment,” said Angela Wörl during a tour through the facilities with the Arche team. “Children and young people have found a place here where they are always welcome.” Earlier, WACKER’s Executive Board member took questions from fledgling reporters on stage.
The now traditional interview with the children at the Arche summer party is an event the children prepare for with great trepidation. “What do you wish for us children at the Arche?” asked three girls. “I wish you all the courage to dare to dream big and to believe in yourselves,” WACKER’s personnel director said to the children.

Society’s challenges are reflected in the Arche
The Arche team supports young people not only with their education, but also with a healthy diet – they get a hot meal at lunch every day. “The increased cost of living has presented many families whose children come to us with almost insurmountable challenges,” reports Larissa Rauter, director of the Arche in Munich-Moosach.
The number of children and adolescents taking advantage of the offer of free, warm food is rising steadily. Some children do not get a balanced diet at home, so at the Arche they eat first, then do their homework and eat again before playing. “The situation continues to escalate and predominantly affects those who have no financial leeway to absorb the increasing prices for food, energy and petrol,” explains Larissa Rauter. Without donations, she and her team would not be able to keep the Arche running.

All-round support from WACKER since the beginning
The partnership with WACKER began when the City of Munich provided a container for the Arche in the northern district of Moosach in 2006. Later, a bright, modern building was erected.
Besides the company’s support, there is also a group of WACKER volunteers who visit the Arche and also provide cakes at the annual summer party.

Employees often donate privately to the Arche as well, for example through collections at anniversaries and other occasions. The employees also partake in in-kind donations by providing items on the Arche’s online list:
At this time, school supplies are in high demand because many families struggle financially with the long list of materials the beginning of the new school year brings. The Arche team also welcomes children’s clothing that is clean, in good condition, and suits the season. Anyone who cares to help can make a big difference with a small in-kind donation like this.

Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations
Petra Hettich
Tel. +49 89 6279-1303
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