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press pictures

Cyclodextrin model

Cyclodextrin model: The ring-shaped molecules are able to incorporate specific substances such as vitamins, which are released by moisture and discharged to the surroundings in a controlled manner.

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Tests Wood Glue’s Shear

WACKER’s applications technology department tests the wood glue’s shear strength according to DIN EN 204.

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Cork - slate sheets

A machine known as a double-belt press is used to bond the cork layers to wafer-thin slate sheets under elevated pressure and temperatures of roughly 180 degrees Celsius.

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Cork-polymer composites (CPC's)

Natural cork and VINNEX® powder binder are blended together to form homogenized pellets known as cork-polymer composites or CPCs. VINNEX® also binds excellently with other natural fibers, such as coconut, leather and wood.

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Slate-cork Panel

Wafer-thin, flexible slate-cork panel: novel floor and wall coverings are created from natural cork, Indian slate and WACKER's innovative VINNEX® powder binders.

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