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Construction Materials Fundamentals of Polymer Binders

Instructor-led training | Customers & Distributors


This seminar provides an introduction to polymer chemistry, describing the functions and applications of VINNAPAS® and the uses of dispersible polymer powders in mortars.


No basic knowledge of chemistry required


  • Definition of polymers
  • Production of dispersions and dispersible polymer powders
  • Role of VINNAPAS® dispersible polymer powders in mortars
  • Application of VINNAPAS® dispersible polymer powders in mortars

Seminar objectives

This seminar on VINNAPAS® polymer powders and dispersions provides a mix of theoretical presentations. The course offers interesting and diversified insight into the world of polymer chemistry, including applications and advantages of polymer powders and dispersions.

Target audience

Technical managers and R&D staff members

Seminar language


Fee (plus VAT)

0.00 EUR

Number of participants

3 - 5


Malik Jamal Jaffar Ali

Malik holds a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from National University of Singapore and had co-authored several patents. He joined WACKER in 2011 and is currently heading its Technical Centers in Southeast Asia. He is a frequent speaker at symposiums and seminars related to his area of expertise on the advantages of polymer modified drymix mortar applications.

Jayne Ramos

Jayne holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering from Mapua Insitute of Technology in Philippines. With years of experience in architectural and industrial coating in Philippines and Singapore, she joined WACKER in 2016 and is responsible for the technical service support in Singapore, Philippines and Myanmar.