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Construction Materials The Importance of Polymer Binders in Tile Adhesives and Tile Grouts

Instructor-led training | Customers & Distributors


This course will introduce you to the advantages of polymer binders in tile adhesives and tile grouts, provide a comparison of thick-bed vs. thin-bed technologies, explain how to apply thin-bed technology effectively and describe the role of polymer-modified tile adhesives & tile grouts.


Basic knowledge of chemistry


Advantages of polymer-modified cementitious tile adhesives on very smooth substrates and highly dense modern tiles; comparison of thick-bed vs. thin-bed technologies; best practices for working with thin-bed technology; working effectively with tile grouts; the role of polymer-modified tile adhesives & tile grouts

Seminar objectives

During this two-day intensive program, we will present the many advantages of modern thin-bed technology and demonstrate how to work with it in practice. This will help you to understand the application process better and at the same time will expose you to different aspects of better tiling.

Target audience

Architects, civil contractors, builders and developers

Seminar language


Fee (plus VAT)

0.00 CNY

Number of participants

5 - 15


Jerry Zhang

A technical manager at the WACKER Shanghai technical center, Jerry is in charge of technical service and support for polymer powders in Central and Eastern China. He has many years of experience with dry-mix mortar. His activities are currently focused on promoting the application of polymer powders in ceramic tile adhesives.