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Construction Materials Optimized Tile Adhesives with VINNAPAS® Dispersible Polymer Powders

Instructor-led training | Customers & Distributors


In this seminar you will learn the key advantages of VINNAPAS® dispersible polymer powders in different tile adhesives.


Basic knowledge of chemistry



  • Introduction to polymer chemistry and to the VINNAPAS® product portfolio for tile adhesives
  • Different categories of tile adhesives
  • Impact of the resin/cement ratio on the physical properties of the hardened mortar
  • Impact of various mortar components
  • Tile adhesive testing according to EN standards


  • Practical laboratory training on tile adhesive properties
  • Tour through WACKER’s applications laboratories

Seminar objectives

Through theoretical training units and practical demonstrations and tests, you will learn the key advantages of VINNAPAS® dispersible polymer powders in different tile adhesives. Knowing how polymeric binders work in tile adhesives will open up new opportunities.

Target audience

Management and technical personnel from application technology and R&D organizations within the dry-mix mortar industry

Seminar language

English, Hindi

Fee (plus VAT)

0.00 EUR

Number of participants

3 - 12