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Materials used in the aerospace industry have to withstand often adverse operating conditions on a continuous basis. Low pressures, high and low temperatures, rapid changes of temperature and pressure, intense radiation – WACKER silicones can withstand all of these because their property profile is tailored to each application.


  • Minimal outgassing rates and hence no delamination under outer-space conditions
  • High radiation resistance
  • Full retention of elasticity down to the glass transition temperature at below -100 °C
  • Dissipation of thermomechanical stress by virtue of silicones’ characteristic flexibility


  • Lamination of the solar assembly to the support structure for the solar array wing
  • Antistatic bonding of satellite components that are particularly susceptible to electrostatic charging


  • Outstanding permanent flexibility
  • Specialty grades are thermally stable from -30 to +250 °C
  • Exceptional resistance to fluids, the elements, and UV radiation
  • Very good molding and surface reproduction


  • Sealing profiles for aircraft windows
  • Abradable coating in jet engines
  • Bonded joints and seals in the sanitary, galley and cabin areas
  • Tool and auxiliary material in the production of composites for ventilation systems and the cabin interior