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Construction Materials Quality Control for Dry-Mix Mortar Production

Instructor-led training | Customers


This course will introduce test methods and quality control measures for dry-mix mortar products, including raw materials, processes and products.


Basic knowledge of chemistry


Quality control requirements for dry-mix mortar products; key quality control issues for raw materials, processes and products; test methods for raw materials and finished products; statistical methods for quality control testing data; lab trials: raw material and product testing.

Seminar objectives

In this two-day seminar, you will learn the key aspects of quality control for dry-mix mortar production, from raw materials control, process control to end-product control. Course content will also include methods of collecting and analyzing the data.

Target audience

Technical managers and R&D managers with a basic knowledge of construction chemistry

Seminar language


Fee (plus VAT)

0.00 CNY

Number of participants

5 - 15