Vacation jobs

Do you want to gain some work experience and earn money at the same time? Then why not take a vacation job at WACKER?

We offer you vacation positions between June and September, provided that you are over 18, enrolled at a school or university or are in the interim phase between leaving school and starting your education at a college or university.

The duration of employment at WACKER is determined on a case-by-case basis. You will be compensated according to the applicable tariff and company policies.

The duration of employment results from the operational requirements.
The following minimum employment periods are valid.

  • day shift:
    4 weeks or 6 weeks
  • shift-work:
    6 to 8 weeks

We can offer you the following locations

in Saxony:

  • Nünchritz:
    in production and related areas

in Bavaria:

  • Burghausen:
    in production and related areas

Applications 2024

The application period for a vacation job in 2024 has expired.

As of January 2025, you can apply for a vacation job in summer 2025 using this website.