Wacker Silicone Manufactured Innovations LLC

Allentown, Pennsylvania/USA

Silicone-Coated Products for the Healthcare Sector

At the end of May 2024, we acquired a new test and development center for silicone coating of self-adhesive applications in the healthcare sector in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA. The new business unit is called Wacker Silicone Manufactured Innovations LLC (WSMI).

By acquiring Bio Med Sciences’ assets and know-how, WACKER has advanced its expertise for fully integrated development and production of silicone-coated adhesive products. We are now a forward integrated solutions provider for the health care industry and can support and collaborate with customers who are looking for innovative adhesive coating solutions in the healthcare sector even better. This new business perfectly complements our existing solutions of silicone-based gel adhesives for medical and cosmetic applications.

The skin fixation market for health care patches and medical devices has been growing in popularity for years. Silicones are best-in-class adhesive solutions due to their unmatched skin compatibility and tunable adhesive properties.

Site-Specific Facts & Figures

  • Name: Wacker Silicone Manufactured Innovations LLC
  • Location: Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Area: 4,500 m²
  • Employees: 23
  • Products: Adhesive Coating Solutions in the Healthcare Sector


Wacker Silicone Manufactured Innovations (WSMI)

999 Postal Road
Allentown, PA 18109
United States

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