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Uncovering the State of the Coatings Industry in Middle East & Africa

WACKER Middle East & Africa

“Intricate": A word that aptly describes the coatings industry in the Middle East & Africa region. This industry spans over 68 countries, spread across 2 continents. Each country in this region has complex preferences as regards the coatings industry. The region's geography is as diverse as these preferences, which are what makes the region so unique.
To find out what the region has in common - despite the many seeming differences - in terms of coating applications, binder technologies, governance, VAE & much more, tune into Wacker Chemicals Middle East's multi-part podcast series, Watch the full version of the podcast series “Coat-Unquote” in here.

'Coat Un-Quote'

Episode - 1 | Jordan

In the inaugural episode of this podcast series, we’re in conversation with Mr. Amer Jubran, CEO – Quds Paints, Jordan, obtaining a manufacturer’s perspective on the status quo of the coatings industry, the gamut of binder chemistries, the influence of paint applicators and consultants, and much more – with the regional intricacies of the broader Levant region, and Jordan in specific.